Martes, Marso 4, 2014


In this quarter we've been taught the basics of both programming and technician training.
On programming, we have been taught how to convert hexadecimal values to decimal to binary and vice-versa.On technician training, we've been taught how to assemble a motherboard, what is its components and removing computer viruses.

Computer Processing Cycle

The three steps fetch, decode,and execute are the three generalized steps when it comes to a machine cycle.
The fetch step does not mean to play with a dog but instead was to retrieve a few instructions from the memory.
The decode step means to translate a language into a machine language so that the machine could..
Execute, so that it could execute the instruction.
Well, where did that instruction came from?


That instruction came from the hardware of the machine.
The hardware is connected to the machine so that the machine could tell the CPU any time it gets a command/instruction.

Device Drivers

There are some kinds of software that is needed to use that certain hardware.
You need to install the device driver to use the hardware.
The device driver could be found already inside the hardware itself or maybe its in a CD or any kind of device that could be used or it should still be downloaded from the manufacturer's website on the net.
You cannot use a certain hardware unless you have installed its device driver.

Machine Specs

Are you a gamer? If yes, then you should be familiar with this term, computer specs, basically if you ask about specs, the common things that will be stated is its computer processor, word size and its screen resolution.
Well if you are an RTS or Real-Time Strategy gamer then you should have at least a minimum of 3gHz processor and a 1024 by 768 screen resolution.
Word size doesn't matter too much when it's speaking of computer specs.
They are just commonly 32 or 64 bit but commonly computers have 32-bit computer.
OS(Operating System) is another term that you should be common with.
An OS has backward compatibility which means you can play a Windows XP game on a Windows 8 computer.
But you cannot play Assassin's Creed on Windows 98 or simply you cannot play a game with a newer operating system requirement on an older version of an OS.
Well, I hope that this helped... =)

Computer Gens.

Have you ever seen a computer that only gives out numbers on its screen.
Well me? NO WAY.
Its a way back in 40's to see these kinds of stuffs.
First, let me introduce to you how this computers are categorized into different generations.
First of which is to see the technological development on these PC's.
Technological development is to see how faster, how much a normal human to understand what it flashes on its screen and how cheaper and how smaller they are.
1st generation machines are those with vacuum tubes, they flashes out 0's and 1's.
2nd gen machines are those with transistors which are just more efficient and smaller version of vacuum tubes.
3rd gen machines are those with IC's(Integrated Circuits), this one is still using transistors but a lot of transistors, there are lots of transistors in one IC.
4th gen machines are those with microprocessors. These microprocessors are still being used, being improved and a little bit being more expensive.
As they have newer versions, they have a little bit more efficiency, as far as I know its newest or most efficient was Intel's i7 Extreme Core.
The 5th and latest one was the Artificial Intelligence. This generation of computer is capable of thinking factual things like a human person can do, but the thing is it cannot decide by itself in terms of romantic stuffs.
Watson was the best known in this generation. He can be asked factual questions and he can answer it by himself.

Assembling a Motherboard

I thought it could be extremely hard but not as much after we've been taught how to. Assembling motherboard could make your hands bleed if not taken seriously. It's hard but not definitely when we took the practical. We got 80/100 as a score for the practical. The mistakes were the RAM and the cable. We used the wrong cable during the practical. But even though, I enjoyed the lesson badly even if we didn't get a perfect score as I expected.