Sabado, Oktubre 12, 2013

The Partner of My Favorite Topic

Introducing CSS!!! The thing that made my work better when we are still studying about HTML's. These two are like husband and wife because if only one of them works without the other it would be hard for the other one to work independently. What made this lesson easy, it is just easy to memorize its selectors because it only contain one word for each selector. What made this easy hard, nothing for me, but I don't know for others... BTW, what is CSS? CSS is Cascading Style Sheet they can be contained inside a HTML file or on another file that can be linked to a HTML file. CSS allows you to make designing your HTML easier and with shorter tags.

My Most Hated Topic on 2nd Quarter

Protocols. This lesson was my most hated one, because of this lesson I almost failed the long test (thanks to God I didn't). I'm not good at memorizing things before but better now that I can memorize things. Because of I'm not good at memorizing things before I didn't memorize the protocols and their functions. That's why almost half of my mistakes came from the items where it includes the function and information about protocols. I wish that this protocols will not be encountered when I come to the next year level.

Filtering the Results in Searching through WWW

Before this lesson I have been so confused with the results with the search engine of Mozilla because it always post results that came from different websites that contain different information about my subject of searching. Now, not anymore, because during my search in WWW, I always filter and remove the results from Wikipedia, though Wikipedia contain the most information about a thing, it can be the most unreliable source of information because anybody can edit the information in it. Even the uneducated people can edit it.

HTML Quizzes

Though I've expected that the quizzes could be hard, I haven't studied too much in making HTML's because I've predicted that it would be an open notes quiz because it is too hard for us to memorize all HTML tags and attributes at the same time.  My estimate is that their are about 20+ HTML tags that had been taught to us, how hard it could be if it wasn't an open notes quiz. It is too hard to for me to memorize at least 10 HTML tags because their are still attributes that should come with it. Even though the HTML's given to us was easy to copy, I still thank Sir Tom for that open notes quiz...

Our 2nd Quarter LT

It is very unexpected for me that the network protocols will come out in the test though I passed the test, I'm still disappointed because I didn't expect and hadn't studied too much on the protocols. I wish that I could retake the test and should have studied about these protocols because most of my mistakes were on the item that contains Identification items about protocols, from now on before our LT's on computer science I promise not to skip any lesson that should be study.

How to Create an Acceptable Powerpoint Presentation

There are 10 tips that I can give:
1.Use compelling material
You are the one who creates the presentation, the PowerPoint only represents what you are explaining about
2. Keep it simple
Focus on the contents of your slides and don't depend too much on the graphics and tables
3. Minimize the number of slides
You can use graphics or tables to represent something like statistics
4. Don't parrot PowerPoints
5.Time your remarks
Timing is always important in your presentations, never talk before the transition and animation of the text of your slides
6. Give it a rest
Put some intervals for some rest for your audience or else they will be bored from reading the PowerPoint
7. Use vibrant colors
Choosing colors for the background and the font should be wise, use contrasting colors like black and white
8. Import other images and graphics
Don't limit yourself from using other images except from the offers in the PowerPoint
9.  Distribute handouts after the presentation
Distributing handouts during or before presentations can be called stupidity, remember that reading is always faster than talking or explaining

10. Edit ruthlessly before presenting
Never stop editing before presenting, you're the only person to see your own presentation

Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013

Common Issues with ICT

Digital Piracy -the practice of illegally copying and selling digital music, video, computer software, etc.
examples of digital piracy are the cracks of softwares, the most popular piracy website is "piratebay"
IP (Intellectual Property) -someone's idea, invention, creation, etc., which can be protected by law from being copied by someone else
Intellectual property rights is a right of a person to prevent other persons from copying what he/she have done or thinked of
Fair Use -laws relating to the conditions in which someone can legally copy parts of a book, film, etc. without the permission of the company that made it or owns it.
Here are some of the cyber crimes I know:
Cyber Bullying
Mail Bombing
Denial of Service (DoS)
Forgery/Identity Theft
Computer Addiction
Pornography and Digital Divide

Second Quarter Rocks for Me!!!

This quarter is my most awaited for the whole school year because I'm really excited to make web pages
I hope that the second quarter for CS1 was lengthened because I want to learn more about how to make better webpages
But for now I say goodbye to my beloved HTML lessons because we are already going to proceed to the third quarter....

Rules on How to be a Good Netizen

There are 10 rules that should be followed when using the world wide web for social media purposes...
And this is called the "NETIQUETTE"!!!!!
Netiquette is combination of internet and etiquette
First of all, what is internet??
Internet is worldwide network of computer networks that use TCP and IP network protocols...
Second, what is an etiquette???
This is a form required by good breeding, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official life;
Now, when combined internet+etiquette=netiquette
Netiquette is the set of rules for behaving properly online...
Now, finished for the introduction, what is are the rules contained in this netiquette?
Rule #1: Always remember that even in the virtual world their are still human
Online or in real life always remember The Golden Rule that "Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you..."
Analyze before sending/posting: If you would say it personally to the person? If not, rephrase and reread...
Typing in all caps indicates that you are SHOUTING to your audience...
There are only words online, no nonverbal cues such as actions, so that your words can be easily misinterpreted so be clear whenever sending messages...
Words are written-they may come back and you don't know where they might go
Rule #2: Behave online as you do in real life
This one seems to be very easy to follow since what you do in normal life is easy to reflect in the virtual world. Since there is no actions that can be done in the virtual world
Rule #3: Know where you are in the cyberspace
Note: Netiquette varies from domain to domain
There are many domains in the cyberspace so you should first observe before reacting in what other people do in the cyberspace.
Lurk before you leap...
Rule #4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth.
I think you are new to this word..
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be passed along a communications channel in a given period of time.
Always ensure that you don't waste the the time people spent reading your information.
Spams are junk e-mails
You are not the center of  the cyberspace
Don't think of yourself a star in the cyberspace, always be humble
Rule #5: Make yourself look good online
Never post flame-baits (offensive language that can cause flame wars for the sake of confrontation)
Take advantage of your anonymity or being anonymous...
You will be judged on the quality of your writing -spelling and grammar do count in the virtual world
Rule #6: Share expert knowledge
Share the results of your questions to other persons, prevent being selfish
Avoid thrash talks
Post resource lists and bibliographies in the area of your expertise or profession...
The internet was created for sharing information to every other netizens
Rule #7: Help keep flame wars under control
Flame wars are the exchange of offensive letters of two or more persons
Prevent making flame wars worse
Flame wars are forbidden in the cyberspace
Rule #8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule #9: Don't abuse your power
Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does not give you the right to take advantage of them
Always share what you know to others
Rule #10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Ignore minor errors or mistakes of other persons
Pointing out too much mistakes of others online is a sign of bad netiquette

My Favorite Topic

HTML. HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the language used for making HTTP's or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. We've been taught how to make HTML the through the use of the notepad... HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language, this is a language for making webpages. HTML consists of several things like the attribute, tags, and the element.
Now, what are the meaning of the three things stated above?
HTML Tags- keywords that are surrounded by angle brackets (< and >)                                                
 an example is <head> and <html>, head and html are the tags
Tags should come in pair, the start tag and the end tag
an example is <head> and </head>
Note:End tags should have a slash before the tag
HTML Element- this are the words between the start tag and end tag..
an  example is <p> Bleah! Bleah! </p>, the words "Bleah! Bleah!"
HTML Attribute- this are words that provide additional information about the element
an example is <font size="5"> This paragraph is size 5 </font>, "5" is the attribute in this case

Martes, Agosto 13, 2013

My First Computer Science Session with Sir Tom

The first time I saw Sir Tom in the dormitory especially when we are introducing ourselves, I've been really frightened because of his muscular body and army-like voice and is acting like a very strict dormitory. When I first stepped inside the computer laboratory I'm still wandering what will be our lessons, if the lessons are too hard to take and some other things related to our subject. On the first session in Computer Science 1, Sir Tom introduced to us the definitions of computer science, information technology (IT), and information communications and technology(ICT). He also introduced the curriculum guide for the whole school year in CS 1 and stated to us how we will be graded through the Grading System for CS 1. At first, he let us guess the definition of terms for CS, IT,and ICT. Then later when it seems that nobody was participating, he already started for the lecture. He always seems that he always call me Ash/ Ashley during recitation because he said that it is a very  unique name of mine.

Sabado, Agosto 10, 2013


Backup is a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device; "he made a backup in case the original was accidentally damaged or erased ( A backup is a copy of one or more files created as an alternate in case the original data is lost or becomes unusable. For example, you may save several copies of a research paper on your hard drive as backup files incase you decide to use a previous revision. Better yet, you could save the backups to a USB flash disk, which would also protect the files if the hard drive failed. Files can be mistakenly deleted or corrupted by viruses or other software attacks. Program installation conflicts can make applications or files unusable. There are unfortunately many ways for your data to become damaged or disappear. That is why it is so important to backup your data. Most people don't realize the importance of having a backup until it is too late. Of course, when you have lost years of photos, school papers, business documents, e-mail archives, music, movies, or any other data that you cannot recover, the importance of having a backup becomes all too real. (

Data Encryption

Conversion of data into code for compression (with compression algorithm) or for confidentiality or security (with encryption algorithm) ( translation of data into a secret code. Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key or password that enables you to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plain text ; encrypted data is referred to as cipher text.There are two main types of encryption: asymmetric encryption (also called public-key encryption) and symmetric encryption ( Microsoft's BitLocker, PGP Corp.'s Whole Disk Encryption, and TrueCrypt from the TrueCrypt Developers Association are just examples of encryption applications ( do not usually encrypt my files because there is nothing confidential especially I'm just a first year high school student but currently I'm encrypting my files in my laptop.

Data Compression

Reducing the 'electronic space' (data bits) used in representing a piece of information, by eliminating the repetition of identical sets of data bits (redundancy) in an audio/video, graphic, or text data file. White spaces in text and graphics, large blocks of the same color in pictures, or other continuously recurring data, is reduced or eliminated by coding (encryption) with a program that uses a particular type of compression algorithm. The same program is used to decompress (decrypt) the data so that it can be heard, read, or seen as the original data. Compression ratios of 1:10 to 1:20 (or much higher, with emerging technologies) are routinely achieved with common types of data, resulting in much smaller storage space requirements or much faster communications. Fax machines were the earliest consumer equipment to use a data compression technology. Also called data compaction. See also streaming media (
The most widely used is ZIP on the PC. It is NOT the best as others have said. It's been around the longest. However it does not compress as well as RAR AND, most importantly, is not 100% foolproof. It can and often does inject errors into the zip file. However if you are planning on using file compression on your documents and files and will be distributing them around to various people then your best choice is ZIP because of it's availability to the receivers. If this is for personal use RAR is better. ZIP and RAR are just some of the common data compression apps. '-'

File Formats

A file format defines the structure and type of data stored in a file. The structure of a typical file may include a header, metadata, saved content, and an end-of-file (EOF) marker. The data stored in the file depends on the purpose of the file format. Some files, such as XML files, are used to store lists of items, while others, such as JPEG image files simply contain a block of data.

A file format also defines whether the data is stored in a plain text or binary format. Plain text files can be opened and viewed in a standard text editor. While text-based files are easy to create, they often use up more space than comparable binary files. They also lack security, since the contents can be easily viewed by dragging the file to a text editor. Binary file formats can be compressed and are well-suited for storing graphics, audio, and video data. If you attempt to view a binary file in a text editor, most of the data will appear garbled and unintelligible, but you may see some header text that identifies the file's contents.
Some file formats are proprietary, while others are universal, or open formats. Proprietary file formats can only be opened by one or more related programs. For example, a compressed StuffIt X (.SITX) archive can only be opened by StuffIt Deluxe or StuffIt Expander. If you try to open a StuffIt X archive with WinZip or another file decompression tool, the file will not be recognized. Conversely, open file formats are publicly available and are recognized by multiple programs. For example, StuffIt Deluxe can also save compressed archives in a standard zipped (.ZIP) format, which can be opened by nearly all decompression utilities.
When software developers create applications that save files, choosing an appropriate file format is important. For some programs, it might make sense to use an open format, which is compatible with other applications. In other cases, using a proprietary format may give the developer a competitive advantage, since the files created with the program can only be opened with the developer's software. However, most people prefer to have multiple software options, so many developers have moved away from proprietary file formats and now use open formats instead. For example, Microsoft Word, which used to save word processing documents in the proprietary .DOC format now saves documents in the open .DOCX format, which is supported by multiple applications( File formats is the format of a file basically for identification of what type of file is it.

Information Communications and Technology

Information Communications and Technology refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications ( technology used to handle information and aid communication (stevenson).  technology that supports activities involving the creation, storage, manipulation and communication of information, together with the related methods, management and application. Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.In the past few decades, information and communication technologies have provided society with a vast array of new communication capabilities. For example, people can communicate in real-time with others in different countries using technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP (VoIP), and video-conferencing. Social networking websites like Facebook allow users from all over the world to remain in contact and communicate on a regular basis.Modern information and communication technologies have created a "global village," in which people can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. For this reason, ICT is often studied in the context of how modern communication technologies affect society.( Information Communications and Technology is the distribution of information to different computer systems.

Information Technology

The technology of the production, storage, and communication of information using computers and microelectronics (Collins). The technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data (Merriam-Webster). Info Tech is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. As the branch of technology devoted to the study and application of data and the processing thereof. IT can also be thought of as applied computer systems, including both hardware and software, usually in the context of a business or other enterprise, and often including networking and telecommunications. Information Technology is basically the technology of Information.

Computer Science

"Computer science is the study of computing, programming, and computation with computer systems. This field of study  utilizes theories on how computers work to design; test and analyze concepts" ( Basically this is the science of computer, this branch of science is unlike the other branches of science is not interconnected with other life sciences and other forms of integrated science. From Merriam-Webster, a branch of science that deals with the theory of computation or the design of computers. The study of the design and operation of computer hardware and software, and of the application of computer technology to science, business, and the arts (American-Heritage).

ICT Systems

ICT Systems
 A system is a procedure that involves input, processing and output.You can have a manual system too.
ICT is the use and transmission of data to produce information after processing. An ICT system involves hardware, people, data, procedures, information and software.An ICT system is a system that uses any form of digital technology, the output goes directly to a human being or into another system. A system that uses any form of digital technology to input and process data and out put the information which goes directly to a human or into another system. ICT systems are those where the output from the system goes directly to a user or into another ICT system. Input is capturing the data, process is converting the data into information and output is the information produced. Feedback might then be used to affect another input (into the same system or a different system).

Common ICT Softwares

 There are three categories of common ICT software namely file organization, office applications and web services. The first category is file organization referred to as simply a file system. The system that an operating system or program uses to organize and keep track of files. For example, a hierarchical file system is one that uses directories to organize files into a tree structure. Although the operating system provides its file management system, you can buy separate file management systems. These systems interact smoothly with the operating system but provide more features, such as improved backup procedures and stricter file protection. Examples of file organization applications are Windows Explorer, Cubic Explorer, Free Commander, iExplorer and Nautilus.
The second category is office applications, these are softwares that are used in business such as word processing, spreadsheet, database management and e-mail. Common office applications are widely available in a package set from vendors. They are also available in packages or suites. The Microsoft Office is an example of office application.
Web service is the third category. Web service applications/softwares are softwares that use internet to operate and produce the output. There are several subcategories of web services applications. The first one are web browser, this is a software application used to locate, retrieve and also display content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, video and other files. Examples are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera and the fastest web browser, Internet Explorer. The second one are E-mail Software for creating, sending, receiving and organizing electronic mail. Example is Microsoft Office Outlook. The third one is Instant Messaging Software-software that enables you to create a kind of private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real time over the Internet, analogous a telephone conversation but using text-based, not voice-based, communication.

Command Prompt

Command Prompt- available in all Windows system. The counterpart of the GUI-based commands.

Commands in the Command Prompts
ATTRIB- change the file attributes. '+' adds an attribute and '-' removes an attribute.
DEL-delete one or more file in your current directory
EDIT-runs DOS EDIT. Useful for editing batch files and viewing logs
TYPE-display the contents of a file on the screen
C:-go to the C: drive.
D:-got to the D: drive
CD-changes you to a different directory
CLS- clears the screen
DIR-displays the contents of a directory
HELP-displays DOS Help. Used for help on an individual command
MD-makes a new directory
RD-removes directory
RENAME-renames a file

There is a quiz on this lesson where I got only 9 out of 10.
I waited for the others to finish because I can't use my own computer systems.